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This article is for those who already use Quora for promotion and receive some traffic from it. I’m not going to try and explain why Quora is good for marketing and why you should use it. I’m going to show you how to significantly increase the number of visitors you’re getting from it.

Find pages on Quora that already bring traffic to your website

Go to Google Analytics > Acquisition > All traffic > Referrals and find Quora on your list of referrals:

traffic from quora

Click on it and you’ll get a list of Quora pages which prompt users to visit your website:

quora traffic pages

Create answer wiki for each question on your list

Unless your answer ranks first!

quora answer wiki

In the answer wiki, list the links provided in answers below with brief descriptions and make sure to put your link at the top. If your answer is the most viewed in this question and is the first one that’s shown to readers – don’t create answer wiki, your current situation is more beneficial.

I recommend putting your link in the top-3 of the list – 3rd place with flattering description is less suspicious than 1st place and gives similar results.

Once your submission is approved, the result should look like this:

answer wiki result

What if answer wiki is already in place?

Edit it. Just jam your link somewhere in top-3 and you’re done.

That’s it. Now link to your website will be closer to the top in relevant answers where the audience is clearly interested.